Presentation of the Brand licensed by Arboresens

Brand positioning
Excellence and prestige of the culture and recognised know-how of France, from tradition to innovation.
The brand »Elysée- Présidence de la République » targets all French people, aged 7 to 77, residants of the French territory but also French expatriates and foreigners in love with France.
Brand Promise
To spread out widely the values of the French Republic to generate pride and create attachment. To showcase with prestige the recognised know-how of the French companies.
The objectives of the licensing program
The purpose of the licensing program of the brand « Elysée-Présidence de la République » is to contribute to the preservation of the Republic heritage. The revenues generated by this program will take part in the funding of the Palais de l’Elysée refurbishment.
The Licensing Program

A call for proposals was made in February 2019, to propose to companies to present their derivative projects under the brand "Élysée - Presidency of the Republic". The study of the candidatures is in progress.

If you wish to obtain a brand sublicense agreement to manufacture and market products "Élysée - Presidency of the Republic" contact us by email.

Become a partner of the brand?
Photo credits and illustrations: © Présidence de la République - All rights reserved